Sunday, May 27, 2007

Good news

I just found out today that there are two groups in the Jewish daycare. One where they speak the countries language and one where the teacher only speaks Hebrew. How fantastic is that? I was thinking a lot lately how I will teach my children hebrew. Our language at home is English; i will talk Swiss-German to the Baby and Mr. J.S. will speak his mothertongue, so how do we mix in Hebrew? Eventhough they learn it in the Jewish School for 9 years, almost none of the students actually speaks hebrew at the end......

Tomorrow we have our week 19 Ultrasound - how exiting! And soon half the pregnancy is over - how fast!

Have a nice week!


Anonymous said...

Yes, you know you're far into a pregnancy when you start thinking about daycare. And good for you that you have some choices in what kind of daycare you can have...I didn't get that option. Good luck with everything

Anonymous said...

I have moved my blog to:

Baleboosteh said...

Hope the ultasound went well.
