Tuesday, May 8, 2007

What has been keeping me so busy.....


Anonymous said...

Great news!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering when you're puplishing it....hope you're feeling better soon. Kisses

Mia M said...

Thanks Ilana! Do you have an email address? It might be easier to stay in touch that way....

Me: thanks, I am feeling much better already, my dear husband forced me to drink a double espresso and it worked wonders.....

Anonymous said...

Yes, here it is:
Let me know how you are doing. I'm very happy for you and your husband.
Do keep in touch.

Stacey said...

OMG, MAZAL TOV!! I'd wondered where you'd been? I am so excited. When is the due date?

-Aunt Stacey

torontopearl said...

B'shaah tovah! That is beautiful news. I, too, kept checking in for updates... This is truly a worthy update.
Kol tuv.

Mia M said...

Ilana: thanks!

Aunt Stacey: due date is on my birthday, I will get an exiting present this year....(in October).

Pearl: Thanks for your sweet words! I will soon write a longer update post.

Toto said...

so much fun, and already, has yuor smile! :) hee hee Keep us posted, feel good, be healthy, and ENJOY!!! hugs.......

Anonymous said...

oh my - cam across your blog by accident - how wonderful. Mazal tov!

Anonymous said...

oh my! That will keep a person busy! Mazel tov! Looks like you're going to be writing a "mommyblog" soon!

Tamara said...

MAZEL TOV MIA...Sorry I hadn't checked your blog lately...the break I'm sure has been filled with nauseau and excitement. I'm so happy for you both and I"m sure you'll make a phenomenal mommy. This has been a big year for you!

Mia M said...

emah_s: THANKS!

artinreality: thanks and hope you will come back:)

Amishav: not sure about the Mommyblog, but this is number 1 on my mind right now....

Tamara: THANKS, this year has been amazing so far. But so were the last 4, since I met Mr. J.S. :D

Baleboosteh said...

Wonderful news JS! Wonderful news!

socialworker/frustrated mom said...

Bshaah tovah so exciting.